Rob Moratti – Victory

This one picks up where Final Frontier left off in 2006 , what a powerful punch of keen musicians, superb musical direction and of course marvelous front lead...

Released by: Escape Music

Release Date: June 24th, 2011

Genre: Melodic Hard Rock


Line Up:

Rob Moratti – Lead and Background Vocals (Final Frontier, Saga)

Reb Beach – Lead Guitars (Winger / Whitesnake).

Christian Wolff – Lead Guitars, Rhythm Guitars and Keyboards

Tony Franklin – Bass (Blue Murder / The Firm)

Fredrik Bergh – Keyboards / Brian Doerner – Drums (SAGA)


Life On The Line

Everything But Good Bye


Power Of Love

Hold That Light

On And On

Take It All Back

I Promise You

Standing On The Top Of The World


Now More Than Ever

What a successful career lead singer Rob Moratti has had since he started singing and officially wrote material for his own band Moratti in the early 90’s. The legendary singer eventually joined the project Final Frontier with songwriting partner Mladen (Von Groove) and together they released 4 very highly thought after albums in the melodic rock circle. I really only got into Moratti’s stuff via the last Final Frontier record “Freelight” which got rave reviews all over the place. His amazing vocal range is something that makes the man something of a legend in these kneck of the woods; and why not? But is not just his great vocal arrangements but rather his versatility, case and point after he joined the legendary Canadian prog rock outfit Saga in 2008, needles to say he fit right in contributing both songwriting and production for Saga’s record “The Human Condition”. I know that particular scenario had to be put through a magnifying glass as it was a bit of a different style for Rob, but from what I have read from longtime Saga fans; he did a great job in that situation.

Needless to say Moratti is no longer in Saga as they have reunited with their original singer Michael Sadler who Rob replaced after he left the band for family reasons. Whatever the up and down band changes and different projects, the man is a heck of a vocalist and I was really looking forward to his new solo CD to see what music direction he decided to vent from his list of repertoires.

My suspicion was right yes he’s back to his natural habitat and here we have a freaking brilliant display of Melodic Hard Rock as only Rob can remit, but wait the line up here is also superb as it consists of veterans of the scene the likes of Reb Beach (Winger / Whitesnake), Tony Franklin (Blue Murder / The Firm), Brian Doerner – Drums (SAGA as well as Fredrik Bergh on Keyboards from Saga also.). Man is been a while since we had a real good Melodic Rock record seems like,well wait no more because “Victory” is a triumphant return to shape for Rob and company.

Leave it to the pure AOR vibe of “Life On The Line” to teach you how it should be done, with an explosive voice of Moratti breaking through with impeccable originality and style similar to the classic “Lydia” hit from his Final Frontier days. Where to start with the hits here? Another pure melodic rock bliss infuses your engines with “The Power Of Love”; again Rob reaches some grandiose notes and along with some killer riffs leading the way, you have a winner once more. The instrumental solo in “On And On” is yet another highlight in this deep record of arena filled melodic anthems; mad props to both Reb Beach and Christian Wolff for shredding the mind away with this addictive riff they both do a great job on guitars throughout. What’s the point of breaking down each song when all have is plentiful quality to offer to the listener? I have to give some attention to the keyboards by Fredrik Bergh who does a great job of carefully crafting them into each song without making them swallow the song over. “Jennie” adds a nice ballad rush towards the end of the record adding more value to this empowered core.

The end result is aesthetically pleasing and soothing to your ears as Moratti here can naturally hits these notes in his sleep soaring with instillation and feel, a trait only veterans of the genre can reach. What also works here is the super strong musicianship of all the members involved, Beach is excellent as we all know he usually is, the drums are carefully crafted into each melodic tune by Saga drummer Brian Dorner, and the production is pristine; glaring each track to sore higher then the previous one. This one picks up where Final Frontier left off  in 2006 , what a powerful punch of keen musicians, firm musical direction and of course marvelous front lead in the vocal department. Welcome back Rob a place where you belong; victory is indeed yours. Seal it up and highly recommended for all Melodic Hard Rockers out there!!!!

Written by Denys

Ratings Denys   9/10

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