Interviewed by Damian J. Cousins (Writer/Journalist/Contributor)
So a few days after my interview with Joakim Brodén from SABATON I managed to score a sit-down with the amazing Floor Jansen, lead vocalist of REVAMP, current tourmates on this run with ICED EARTH. For someone whose voice and stage presence looms larger-than-life she is very much a laid-back person and we had a lovely chat about REVAMP, what’s next for NIGHTWISH (you know, that OTHER little band she fronts?), and our mutual love for Game of Thrones. Join us:
So…REVAMP, SABATON, and ICED EARTH all on ONE bill. Whoever put this together deserves a medal!! How excited are you for this run?
Floor: Very excited! It’s a great combination. Bands that musically fit well together. I think with this line-up we have a very interesting combination of styles within metal. It will be a very interesting, varied program throughout the night. It’s not the same music, there’s different style and atmosphere, and that I think is what made it the greatest thing. I think the guys are great, I’ve toured with SABATON before in NIGHTWISH, and I went to see ICED EARTH when they played here in the Netherlands. The guys were really cool, and we’re gonna be spending six weeks of our lives together. It’s a great group of people and I think it’s gonna be awesome!
And, after this US tour, what next?
Floor: We haven’t officially announced it yet but immediately after the run in the States we will tour South America for a leg as well. And we’re working on some festivals. It’s all going very fast, and at the same time I’ll be going into the studio with NIGHTWISH so my time will be very limited after the summer.
Being in two bands, what is your regimen to take care of the voice?
Floor: The most important thing is to sleep enough and eat healthy. That is a major concern. And secondly, and equally as important is to not stress about it too much. I’ve seen vocalists completely stressed out at the THOUGHT of touring and shows, and you can jinx it. Don’t put the wrong stress into your body over things you can’t prevent anyway. And really no alcohol for me before shows. I may have a glass of wine, but then the fine tuning starts. And I hate greasy foods, so I stay away from that.
What’s the timetable on a new REVAMP album?
Floor: I don’t know. I really don’t want to say anything because I’ll be touring for two years with NIGHTWISH, and maybe during that time I can start working on it or maybe I can’t. I find it really difficult to create for one band while on tour with another. It would have to be after I’m done touring and since I can’t really predict when that will be I can’t say much. NIGHTWISH is the big band time-wise, so that comes first.
Do you ever write for REVAMP while on tour, or no?
Floor: Usually I can’t. I need some peace and quiet and nine times out of ten that’s not happening (laughs). And being a support band on this tour you share backstage with nine people so, forget about trying to find a quiet place. It works different for everyone, but so far for me, no.
Your second album Wild Card was pretty heavy…was there some sort of primal instinct that contributed to that?
Floor: I was just thinking of how great it would be to do something heavy like that and how do we do it. The ingredients worked that way, especially with our guitar player Jord Otto who comes up with a lot of that heavy stuff which is geared toward what we have in mind.
Tell me, is the writing still done primarily by you, or more of a group effort?
Floor: This record is definitely not just my baby, it’s the band’s, mainly by Jord Otto and Ruben Wijga the keyboard player, and me. And I imagine that will continue in future as well.
Look into your crystal ball and tell me…what’s next for ReVamp, a few years down the line?
Floor: I find that extremely difficult because I’ve never been in a situation where I joined one of the biggest bands on the planet, touring and working for almost three years straight. Everything that happens after that is just-I can’t even say anything because I just want things to come when they feel right.
When you’re not working on either band what do you do to unwind away from music?
Floor: Music is a big part of my life and it’s never too far away, but you can only give so much to it. I love to take my dogs for a walk in the woods, and I like to do yoga. I just discovered it a few months ago and it feels really nice. I do power yoga, and it’s pretty intense for both mind and body. I love to read, and watch shows like Game of Thrones.
Yes!! Our Season 4 premiere is in a few days here in the U.S. Who’s your favorite character?
Floor: Oh, I don’t know. That’s a tough one. Season 4?? Oh man, that sucks because we’re one season behind you so I just started watching Season 3. Don’t tell me anything (laughing)!
What bands have your attention right now?
Floor: I listen to a lot of SOILWORK. I’m a big fan and I’m actually singing with them during their DVD recording at a live show in Helsinki. I love KARNIVOOL, I play them a lot.
Floor, please say something to your fans out there.
Floor: I’m super-excited to bring REVAMP over to the States and I want to thank everyone for supporting us, the people who have been backing us already for the last year and through the Kickstarter campaign. I think it’s gonna be wonderful to rock with the American audience again. We’re looking forward to it very, very much!
As you can see by the photos, Floor and her REVAMP bandmates are tearing it up for audiences all across the U.S. Get your tickets to one of the six remaining shows ASAP and be sure to let us know what an awesome time you had, OK? \m/ \m/