Released by: MSM Production
Released on: April 23rd, 2010
Genre: Heavy Electro Goth Metal
Line Up:
Martin Hellgren: Vocals/bass/keys
Morten Sandberg: Guitars/keys/programming
Thomas Y: Guitars
Kim Kvist: Drums
01. Behind the Wire
02. Undying
03. Your Own Worst Enemy
04. Thunder and the Rain
05. Follow Me
06. Obey
07. Sweet Impossibility
08. Memento Mori
09. Disconnected
10. Save Me (Not)
11. Infinity
Hey guys, have you heard of CLONECIRCLE? Don’t worry, until this album came across my desk neither had I. I was first struck by the awesome artwork on the digipack that is actually credited to the bands Vocalist/Bassist/ Keyboarder Martin Hellgren. The artwork theme follows throughout the lyrics booklet and really sets a scene that totally suits the music that it holds inside.
The music on BEHIND THE WIRE is an industrial-fused modern goth metal style that sounds like a combination of MARYLIN MANSON, RAMMSTEIN, POWERMAN 5000 and ALICE COOPER with a bit of the industrial soundscape of FEAR FACTORY only much slower. I don’t listen to a lot of this sort of music these days, I’m not even sure there was ever a time I did listen to much of it, but every now and then a band like this will come out of nowhere and get me excited. CLONECIRCLE has done just that, and I am really enjoying the whole concept of the band and the music is catchy as all hell.
Most of the riffing is of the mid-tempo chugging kind, but when mixed together with a small amount of industrial beats and a great vocal style that features a lot of the ALICE COOPER near-talking sound, CLONECIRLE have succeeded in making something that has the quality to take them to the top, especially now that the modern industrial metal scene is lacking any exciting bands.
The opening track BEHIND THE WIRE which is also the first single from the album is a great mid-tempo track that features a lot of the ALICE COOPER vocal style I spoke about above. THUNDER AND RAIN is an interesting song that is balladesque in nature and has a strong emphasis on female backing vocals. OBEY is a great song that capitalizes on the general theme the band has got going and really drew me in. Closing track INFINITY is a late highlight that is almost hypnotic in sound and its grandeur will leave a lasting imprint long after the disc has finished. Highly recommended!!
Written by Zeezee
Ratings Zeezee 8/10