Released By : Self Released
Genre: Melodic Metal
Links :
Lina – Vocals
Miltos – Guitar
Anton – Guitar
Abraham – Keyboard
Johnny – Bass
Costas – Drums
1. Inmost Ego
2. I Won’t Be There
3. Part Of Me
4. When Roses Fall
WHEN ROSES FALL are a relatively new band from Greece that play an interesting brand of melodic metal that joins some symphonic parts and some gothic tinges into the base sound. But unlike a lot of bands that mix these styles, working out where INMOST EGO belongs in the scale of things has proven very difficult. I did enjoy the four songs on the demo but I wasn’t really convinced by the end that I wanted to keep an eye out for their next release.
The first track of the demo, which is actually called INMOST EGO, has a goth metal feeling to it, but also has a symphonic background and a female lead vocal that made the band sound like a mix between PLACEBO and NIGHWISH, if you can possibly imagine what that would sound like. I WON’T BE THERE adds a bit of a modern alternative rock vibe to the proceedings and does a good job to showcase the bands writing abilities. PART OF ME is a bit more in your face than the rest of the songs and gives female vocalist LINA a chance to really get stuck into it and here she actually sounds a bit like JAMES HETFIELD in places and ROB ZOMBIE in others. The demo closes with WHEN ROSES FALL, which is a much slower and brooding track that once again adds a fresh element to the overall sound.
I think the main nuance I had with this demo is that with it, INMOST EGO have tried to showcase all the different styles that that make up their music. Because the problem with doing this is that after four songs I still have no idea what sort of band they are and what to expect from future releases. The songs are all good in their own right, and the vocal variation really impressed me, but I think it would be better for the band if they stuck a little closer to a particular sound. Yes variation is a good thing and something a lot of bands need more of, but in cases such as this one, too much variation makes for a bit of a confusing time.
Written By ZeeZee
Rating: 7/10