Sinestesia – The Day After Flower

SINESTESIA are a new discovery to me, and being that this is only their second album since forming in 2003, I’m happy to have caught these guys early into...

Released By : Aerostella Music

Genre: Progressive Metal



Riccardo De Vito – Vocals

Roberto Di Micheli – Guitar

Alberto Bravin – Keyboard

Paulo Marchesich – Drums

Alessandro Sala – Bass


1. Hero

2. Feast

3. The Birth, The Death, Trance By The River

4. Burning Times (Never Forget)

5. Violet

6. C.W.A Prelude (Instrumental)

7. Cold War Apocolypse

8. Twilight

9. Memento

How is it that every time you hear about a progressive rock or metal band that come from Italy you can be almost certain that they are going to be something special? Maybe they are just more creative over on that side of the pond, heck, they are responsible for some of the best food in the world, the best painters, so why not some of the best musicians too.

SINESTESIA are a new discovery to me, and being that this is only their second album since forming in 2003, I’m happy to have caught these guys early into their career as I think they have something positive to contribute to the prog metal landscape and are a band worth keeping an eye on.

The order of the day on THE DAY AFTER FLOWER is of course progressive metal, but is also akin to the lighter alternative of prog rock and really does walk the thin line between the two in places quite well.

DREAM THEATRE comparisons are a bit of a given with any modern prog band, and SINESTESIA certainly retain some elements from them, including vocalist RICARDO DE VITO, who in certain places bears more than a passing resemblance to JAMES LABRIE. Meaning that the vocals are mostly excellent, except for a couple of slight instances where the Italian accent is a bit thick for my tastes, but otherwise a very excellent vocal album. Musically, THE DAY AFTER FLOWER is near faultless and features some great virtuoso patches that are really memorable and quite thrilling. This is another element of the album that I liked, the band can obviously play like maniacs, but they also know when to simplify, making each progressive moment special and welcome.

My highlight track was the seven and a half minute BURNING TIMES (NEVER FORGET) which had a real DT feeling to it and has a great choir style backup vocal that really drags you in. FEAST was a very interesting track that actually stars out with what sounds like a FOO FIGHTERS riff, before eventually opening up into a stellar prog rock song that reminds me a bit of RUSH or MARILLION and has a real nice feel-good chorus that sticks in your head. I didn’t really get into MEMENTO that much as the lyrics are sung in Italian, and I am pretty one-dimensional in the fact that I only enjoy music with English vocals.

THE DAY AFTER FLOWER is not a very original album, but what it offers is some great moments mixed into some very catchy songs that are a great example of the modern progressive metal/rock genre and should appeal to most fans of this type of music. Certainly worth a few spins.

Written By ZeeZee

Rating: 8/10

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