Released By : Self Released
Genre : Thrash Metal
Links :
Demon – Vocals
Mike – Guitar, Vocals
Mr. Anthrax – Bass
Blacksmith Den – Drums
Roma – Bass
1. Dirty Blood
2. On The Aim
3. Terror
4. Sex Toy
5. Psycho Provocator
6. Prepare to Die
7. Buy The Flesh
8. Strident
9. Who Cares
10. To Beer Or Not To Beer
11. Fucking Army
The new debut album from STRIDENT came across my desk the other day and when I saw the cover it was the first time I had ever heard of the band even though apparently they have been around since 2004. Previous to this they have only released one E.P back in 2008 which would explain why they were yet to blip on my radar. The band claim to be the first thrash metal band to ever come out of Israel, and I’m inclined to believe them as I don’t know of any other band at all to come from there. From the cover design and the logo design I already knew that this was going to be a thrash metal album, but what I wasn’t expecting is the inclusion of a lot of hardcore elements which almost puts ON THE AIM in the crossover category. To go along with the aggressive tone of the music, the lyrics are quite in your face and predominantly feature words about war and how it affects the innocent people on both sides of the turmoil. There is a couple of exceptions to this rule which help break the album up a bit in songs like SEX TOY which lyrically has more in common with the sunset strip bands of the eighties, and TO BEER OR NOT TO BEER which reminds me of TANKARD.
Musically the album gets a bit repetitive as the all out hardcore thrash assault stays in the same tempo for a vast majority and there is no real break from the full-on vocals either. Some of the riffing is excellent, and apart from a couple of small issues the lead guitar is above average and one of the highlights of the album.
If this truly is the first ever thrash metal album to come out of Israel it’s a good start and hopefully only the beginning of a possible new wave of Israeli bands sending their message across the seas. As far as recommending it to people alongside some of the higher profile thrash metal releases of the year I will struggle a bit. It’s not quite up to snuff of what most of us are used to because we have been spoilt with this sort of music for years now, but it’s certainly worth a listen as a curio and I can imagine these guys must be tearing up mosh pits across their homeland. A good first outing that shows a band with serious potential.
Written By ZeeZee
Rating : 7/10