Released By : Angel Air Records
Genre : Power Pop
Links :
1. Drummer Man
2. Hold On Me
3. Stroll On By
4. Money (That’s Your Problem)
5. Check Out Girl
6. City Shit
7. Spotlight Lookalike
8. Spilling My Drink (Live)
9. No Sympathy
10. Don’t Walk Alone
11. Jumpdown Turnaround
12. I Can Play Faster Than You
The story of TONIGHT is a little bit sad really and if things had of fallen a little bit differently for them they could have possibly still been touring today with bands like CHEAP TRICK and CHICAGO. Back in 1997 they signed a record deal when their manager sold everything he owned to help finance the band. An appearance on the hit BBC music show TOP OF THE POPS ensured they got noticed and by January of 1978 they hit the top 20 in the U.K charts with DRUMMER MAN, a track that is widely accepted as the first chart hit to officially come under the banner of POWER POP, a genre that would see much success over the coming years.
If you look at the title of the single DRUMMER MAN and it doesn’t ring a bell, just check the bands myspace page for a sample of it and I’m sure most of you will recognize it for sure. As soon as DRUMMER MAN started running out of steam, the band plucked another song from their then current recording sessions called MONEY THAT’S YOUR PROBLEM, which peaked at number 86 in the U.K charts. This track is certainly less remembered by most people. By this time the band had an album worth of material ready to be released but their label demanded another top 20 chart hit before releasing it. The third attempt at a single failed to chart and sent the band broke, which forced them to spilt up and alas, no album release.
Of course with labels like ANGEL AIR seeking out rare U.K stuff from days gone by, it was only a matter of time until this album saw the light of day. ANGEL AIR have given the album their usual treatment with a thick booklet that features a great back story of the band written by band member RUSS STROTHARD, a heap of rare photos and even some ultra rare scans taken from music publications that were around at the time.
If you like the single DRUMMER MAN I am sure you will enjoy the rest of the album as it really is in a similar style with a few hidden gems in CHECK OUT GIRL, NO SYMPATHY and I CAN PLAY FASTER THAN YOU.
TONIGHT were very unfortunate in their day, and at least now they have deservedly had their album released. If you’re a fan of CHEAP TRICK and ENUFF ZNUFF go and check these guys out now.
Written By ZeeZee
Rating : 8/10