Released By : Fonomidia Records
Genre : Thrash Metal
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Alexsander Leber – Vocals, Guitar
Marcos Diegel – Drums
Richard Schmidt – Bass
Tiago A. Sestrum – Guitar
1. Rage Is My Food, Hate Is My Guide
2. Trivial Pieces Of Meat
3. Hate! Is What I Feel
4. Games Of Joy…Games Of War
5. How To Explain
6. Silence…Around Me
7. Untiring Torturer
8. Scars
9. Fuck Off!
10. Cowardly Terror
RHESTUS came to fruition back in 1993 and since then have only managed to release one other full length album and a couple of demos and E.P’s. Does this mean the band is lazy or something? Not at all actually, what it means that everything they do is done with a lot of care and a conscious decision has been made to only release something when it is truly ready, a trait many modern bands could do well to learn about.
Their full length debut EMBRYO OF THE ENDLESS SANDS, released back in 2003, was a hit with fans and critics alike and really showed a band that was ready take the thrash metal world by storm. Now, seven years later they have unleashed their new beast GAMES OF JOY…GAMES OF WAR! Which sees them refining their style a little bit more and coming up with something that should be just as highly regarded as the first album.
Songs like RAGE IS MY FOOD, HATE IS MY GUIDE, GAMES OF JOY…GAMES OF WAR! And UNTIRING TORTURER are all excellent classic thrash tunes in the vein of DESTRUCTION or KREATOR, and the Brazilian accent really adds to the timbre of the bands sound. The Song FUCK OFF came across as a little bit amateurish for my liking, but I can see that a lot of thrash fans will dig it more than I did.
The excellent artwork, and interestingly decorated lyrics booklet all add to the appeal of this album, and I will suggest for any and all thrash metal fans to really make a conscious effort to sample some of the bands work immediately. They may not be household names, but they are beginning to enter cult status, and this fantastic, true to the roots thrash metal album will only further solidify their place as one of the undergrounds favorite bands.
Written By ZeeZee
Rating : 9/10