Released by Harmony Factory
Release Date: Out Now!!
Genre: Melodic Rock/AOR
Power Of The Music
Should’ve Been Gone
Who Do You Run Too
Can’t Stop The Angels
Same But Differenrt
Any Time At All
Without Love
Never Together
Lonely Without You
Can’t Get Away
World Keep Turning
The British AOR scene certainly had a stake in the 80’s although short lived after nearly 25 years of change in the industry the scene has been getting a small but positive return to notoriety. As often with the Rock genre you will be pleased to know that although the music business changed considerably, the thirst for rock bands and the never ending quest to become known has never seized to amaze me. Moritz a British AOR band that never could break open the bind that ties the tight grip rope of the Rock industry has released a much desired classy album titled “Undivided”.
After some time struggling to get their music released, Moritz legendary ‘City Streets’ eventually saw the light of day a couple of years back. It contained 8 tracks recorded from 1984 to 1986 and eventually shared some light on the bands music and their effort was not left in vain because it helped finally gain some interest to this terrific band.
Now the bands new full length album hits the mark just right with an unexpected portrayal of smooth melodic rock grain and sand. The arena breezy lines of this new record grants Moritz a welcome back into a genre that have eluded them previously.
The record opens up with “Power Of The Music” which uses the ever so common AOR keyboards to their advantage to create a subtle transition into their sound. The melancholy arena anthem of “Can’t Stop The Angels” is a favorite instantly as lead vocalists Pete Scallan natural voice sparks a fuel of traditional hooks as well as featuring some notable guitar leads. Another beautifully done guitar led anthem comes your way courtesy of “Lonely Without You” featuring a tasty guitar solo. Flashes of Survivor and Foreigner spring free on yet another topper “Never Together”.
The bands expendable life frame has been encompassed into 25 years of stockpiling songs that they hope would be release. This 12 track album plays like a story book of their career that finally sees the light of day. I am of the opinion that all of these bands we see now either in the Melodic Rock or AOR scene will eventually get accepted into style of music that is slowly but surely gaining new ground all over the world.
I know the prototypical writing and predictable sound can get overhauled sometimes, but as long as Moritz are making great music and managing to sound modern and both old school. there will forever hope for bands like these to be noticed. Give big credit to the guys here as they could of sounded like so many other clones, but rather they decide to lay it on the line with and it works out pretty damn perfect. I guess being cooped up for 25 years does have it’s advantages huh? Highly recommended to any fans of Melodic Rock.
Written by Denys
Ratings Denys 9/10