Diary Of Destruction – Outside The Shade

5 shares Facebook5 Twitter LinkedIn Email Released By : Self Released Genre : Melodic Metal, Gothic Metal Links : http://www.myspace.com/diaryofdestructionband Tracklist: 1. Outside The Shade 2. Without Beauty 3....

Released By : Self Released

Genre : Melodic Metal, Gothic Metal

Links : http://www.myspace.com/diaryofdestructionband


1. Outside The Shade

2. Without Beauty

3. Men Blunder (New Edit)

4. Storm

5. Unbreakable

6. The Other Side

As I’m reading the accompanying information that was with the promo version of this new E.P from DIARY OF DESTRUCTION, I was amazed to discover that they were from France.  The reason that this was a big deal to me is because I was just exclaiming the other day about how many bands I’d reviewed lately from France, and now another one makes me think that there’s some kind of metal movement or something going on over there.

A vast majority of these French releases have had the same two facts, well played and well produced tunes marred by sub-par and hard to understand vocals. I’m happy to say that INSIDE THE SHADE has for the most part broken that trend and delivered on both fronts. Once again the music here is quite good and of the epic melodic metal variety but with a slight gothic rock tinge. The difference here however is the vocals are actually quite good, as long as you like female operatic styled singers.

Vocalist Audrey Ebroti has more than just a passing resemblance to gothic vocal queen Amy Lee. Ebroti’s not quite in the same league as Lee talent wise, but she still does a more than apt job at a gothic tinged melodic metal voice and she is a big part of the reason that I enjoyed this E.P so much. There is also plenty on offer from a musical standpoint too with some great moody instrumental passages and virtuoso lead breaks. DIARY OF DESTRUCTION also stand out a little from the pack for another reason. That reason is, every now and then when this E.P really kicks into gear, it actually gets quite a lot heavier than what you would usually hear in melodic metal and gets closer to some full on thrash metal on a couple of equations. But, the band has been smart enough to make sure that these occurrences are rare enough as to not upset the folk that like their melodic metal to be unsurprising.

All in all a nice little E.P and another French band that has entered my radar. I will be looking forward to hearing what they can do with the freedom of a full album format, but until that time comes this is a more than worthy little piece of music that should please most fans of the melodic metal genre and even a few gothic metal fans.

Written By ZeeZee

Rating : 7/10

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