Released By : Rock Star Records
Genre : Thrash Metal
Links :
01. Maniac
02. Strike You Down
03. Sweet Revenge
04. Means of Control
05. Deadly Trail
06. The Fool Parade
07. Rip It Up
08. The Torture
09. Digital God
10. Kill Zone
I have been a big supporter of Australian metal label Rock Star Records over the last few years and while they have excelled with releases in the melodic death metal and pure modern metal genres, KILL ZONE is the first pure thrash metal album I have heard from them, and after my time with this album I must say that once again with DEMOLITION they have signed on with a winner. The label is synonymous with quality over quantity and this album follows that trend too.
Not just content to emulate the typical thrash metal formula, DEMOLITION also add an element of melody to the guitar work which makes for some immensely catchy solos and some great dual-guitar riffing. Don’t let that scare you off though if you are a fan of the harder side of thrash metal, these guys can throw down with the best of them too with plenty of double kick speed drumming and frantically paced palm-muted guitar riffs. Oh yeah, another thing too…. KILL ZONE actually features a very prominent bass guitar sound which is something that is unfortunately very underused in the thrash metal arena most of the time.
For comparisons look no further than early TESTAMENT, KREATOR and EVILE with a touch of VOIVOD thrown in too, yes that’s some big names to throw out there but I assure you that DEMOLITION are more than up to the task and with KILL ZONE have managed to release an album that can sit proudly on a shelf next to bands like these not so much as peer any more, but more as contemporaries. Don’t believe me?….Check out MANIAC, THE FOOL PARADE, THE TORTURE and my personal favourite SWEET REVENGE, all of which are amongst some of the best thrash metal tunes I’ve heard so far this year.
DEMOLITION definitely don’t reinvent the thrash metal wheel here, and yes they are using a very unoriginal moniker, but thrash fans will surely find much to like within the ten songs on KILL ZONE and with some decent exposure this album will be good enough to gain the band a decent foothold overseas. Another winner from Rock Star Records and yet another recently formed Aussie band that I can be very proud of…Well done guys!
Written By ZeeZee
Rating : 8/10