Borealis – Fall From Grace

The riff-est in "Regeneration" is more prototypical of some of the Gothenburg metal bands and perhaps that fact reigns big on this song because the record was produced by...

Released by: Lion Music

Release Date: May 20th, 2011

Genre: Power/Progressive Metal


Line Up:

Matt Marinelli – Guitars & Vocals

Sean Werlick – Keyboards

Jamie Smith – Bass

Sean Dowell – Drums


Finest Hour

Words I Failed To Say

Fall From Grace

Where We Started

Breaking The Curse


Watch The World Collapse

Take You Over

Forgotten Forever

Progressive Power Metal a genre once dominated by bands the likes of Symphony X, Evergrey, Kamelot and Redemption……….ahh what am I saying these bands still dominate the genre and are some of my personal favorites of all time, enough said. Here we have a new act at least in terms of familiarity, even though the Canada based Borealis have already an album under their belt I had not personally heard of these guys until Lion Music signed them. Good thing I decided to check them out because I was drawn in deep from the first note on this pure melodic power metal record.

Well lets see why this record works shall we? Let’s see you have a killer dominating thashy metal riff around each song with enough melodic riffs to keep the end listener adjusted in their seat. The vocals are always a big thing with bands like these because we know you need a strong vocalist to not drown itself in all the different elements going on in the sound. Don’t tread because these guys have a capable front man which handles both guitars and vocals; his name is Matt Marinelli and he’s pretty damn good.I know there aren’t many people out there that can match a Russell Allen per say, but this dude can carry some high notes and yes he actually does a sound a bit like Allen in spots. Am I being pretentious to think that? Who knows listen for yourself and judge……

Highlights topple from top to bottom but some key cuts include the super crunchy vibe of “Fall From Grace”, the ruckus adrenaline punch of “Where We Started” in which the chorus brings me flashes of Evergrey.The riff-est in “Regeneration” is more prototypical of some of the Gothenburg metal bands and perhaps that fact reigns big on this song because the record was produced by Tomas Johansson at the world famous Panic Room Studios in Sweden, which has worked with bands like Scar Symmetry for instance. Finally the frenetic pace slows down for the more laid back song “Watch The World Collapse” which builds into quite a momentous tune, this one marks the highlight of the record for me even though I wish they would of extended the song itself, I was left wanting the band to belch an thundering melodic solo at the end.

I know the comparisons are going to spread widely because there is no denying that these guys have some major influences here to bands like Symphony X, Firewind and the above mention bands we spoke of earlier, but is not really fair to judge the band in that sense because is become an obstacle for bands like these to reach a pinnacle in which they separate from the music and actually create something diverse. Where I feel the band lacked a punch was in the writing department and in the sense that a bulk of the songs sound the same and features the same dynamics, also I would of felt more induced if there were more breaks in the action in these songs as they mostly threatened with pure power. Probably would of given a higher score if it wasn’t for that, but for what is worth this album features a translucent production that just make the songs jump out through a sonic wall of sound. I know these guys will probably take it to the next level musically because they have all the makings of a great band, here is to you Borealis and welcome to the big time.

Written by Denys

Ratings Denys   8/10

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