Exclusive Interview with Rob Moratti (ex-Saga, Final Frontier, Rob Moratti) (Vocals)

"Victory is a special record and i love them all.... you chose "Take It All Back" lol!! i love it too! The vocals and guitars have a "Queen" overtone...

Interviewed by Denys (Site Founder/Senior Staff Writer) Myglobalmind Webzine

Myglobalmind: Hey rob thank you much sir for taking the time to talk to us here at Myglobalmind!!!

Rob: You’re very welcome and thank you Denys for having me.

Myglobalmind: First and foremost congratulations on your new solo record “victory”, a job well done i really enjoyed all the hooks and melodies you and your team brought to the table.

Rob: Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Myglobalmind: Before we get into discussing the new album, lets’ take a minute to tell the readers about your past musical history, when did you start your music journey and when did you find out you wanted to be a singer?

Rob: To tell you the truth i was about 12 years old when i discovered writing and poetry. then the day i touched a microphone for the first time i was about 15 and that was it. I couldn’t really sing much, lol!! but but knew it was a matter of time. So i studied hard with many different vocal coaches throughout the years…always writing and working with many different artists that lead me here today.

Myglobalmind: Lets pick a spot in your musical timeline and explain the band “Moratti”, which released 2 albums, how did the music at that point sound like and how has it progressed since those early days?

Rob: Moratti was the first true band i recorded with. i was writing a lot, developing my direction and style to make my place in the music industry. Moratti was a melodic hard rock band that was full of energy and some darker overtones in some places. i loved every minute of it.

Myglobalmind: Forward to early 2000 and you enter as the front man for the very popular band in melodic rock circles “final frontier” which also featured Mladen ex Von groove. Explain how that happened and the friendship between you and Mladen?

Rob: Mladen and I have always been good friends and we had always talked about forming a band of our own. So we knew it was a matter of time and when the time finally came we formed Final Frontier. Not realizing how much chemistry we actually had. We were both taken by the positive responses in Europe and Japan. We had a incredible run with four records I am very proud of.

Rob: We still talk all the time.

Myglobalmind: I’m interested to find out in those times and we all know that the genre of melodic rock/aor sorta laid low for a while even though we’ve always had great acts it has never been a huge commercial genre, how do you manage to stay focus with the ever changing music scene when it comes to playing in this genre during your time in Final Frontier?

Rob: The truth is, it’s who i am. I did it for me. I was fortunate enough to have found a way to express myself with Final Frontier and it worked. it’s all about chemistry. This might sound crazy to you but I’m always focused when it comes to my music. even when I’m with friend and family, I’m always thinking’ music. i never leave the zone much. My wife thinks I’m insane, lol!

Myglobalmind: Do you have a favorite album from your time in Final Frontier? I personally think “Freelight” and “The First Wave” are great melodic rock records.

Rob: I love them all but if i had to choose one…. “High Tension Wire”, at least for today.

Myglobalmind: Let’s talk about your time in Saga and you coming in to take over the vocal duties while Michael Sadler steps out, was that different for you considering the fact that saga was already an establish and probably iconic band in Canada and in the progressive circle? how did you adjust?

Rob: It was great and I truly loved working with the guys. We had an incredible chemistry that worked and I’m glad i had the opportunity to share my skills and creative ideas with such a band. I’m very proud of “The Human Condition”. I adjusted fine in the studio and live I had fun. I went out there every night just being myself and gave it my all. The fans were incredibly welcoming…..I’ll miss them the most….I’ll be back!

Myglobalmind: Let’s plunge back to the present and now you will release your self title debut album “Victory”, what better time then now right? How long was the process and how much music did you write for this release?

Rob: Timing is great that’s for sure….it just worked out like that really. I had started writing “Victory” about 4 years ago. Obviously when I joined saga , my songwriting and focus shifted entirely and so I had to put it on hold…but now I’m back again.

Rob: Yes, I can almost release a second solo album with all the songs i had written. it’s a lot of work but i had an incredible experience working with Christian Wolff, Fredrik Bergh and Reb Beach. These guys are great writers and players. We’ve been at it for a while now they’re like family to me now.

Myglobalmind: How did you end up having people like Reb Beach, Fredrik Bergh and Brian Doerner from Saga on the record?

Rob: I had the pleasure of meeting Reb Beach at Sweden Rock Festival in the summer of 2010. He had played with Winger and then we went on right after them. so we met backstage and hung out. We kept in touch ever since. So i called him one day and asked if he wanted to play on my record and the rest is history in the making. Brian and I are friends. I’ve been on the road with brian and so there’s a comfortable place for me with him in the studio. I had met Fredrik Bergh and Christian Wolff on the net and we started writing and sending ideas back and forth….it worked beautifully! we’re all experienced session players with production capabilities and we all run our own recording studios. So the chemistry was over the top!

Myglobalmind: Rob dude you hit some high notes on some of these songs, your voice has never sounded better, how in the heck do your keep your voice in such top notch quality?

Rob: Thank you so much Denys! I usually exercise and warm it up with scales before I start tracking vocals, especially in the higher octave and I stay hydrated. I try to stay fit and eat well.

Myglobalmind: I think this is probably some of your best vocal work that you have ever done, i can’t help but in places think of some old school Boston stuff and of course those addicting melodies and hooks are all over the record. Was this the formula you we’re going for?

Rob: Thank you Denys. I’ve been influenced by some of the best bands like many of us from the 70’s and 80’s….and Boston was one of my all time favorites too. Yes, this is completely the direction I wanted to take but with a modern production. it really worked and I couldn’t be happier about “Victory”.

Myglobalmind: I know you’re a Toronto native, growing up did you listen a lot to Aor/Melodic Rock? I don’t remember many Canadian Aor bands except for Boulevard who had some hits in the late 80’s or Triumph even though they were more hard rock. Which bands inspired you then?

Rob: I loved Triumph..still do! as for other Canadian bands there’s Loverboy, Trooper, Saga and Wrabbit. I was inspired by many bands that had great vocals…bands likes Styx, Toto, Queensryche, Foreigner, Journey, Kansas and Queen…and the list goes on and on!

Myglobalmind: Any favorite cuts from “Victory”? I personally thought Take It All Back” features some strong vocals of course, but also some killer guitar leads, great number.

Rob: Victory is a special record and i love them all…. you chose “Take It All Back” lol!! i love it too! The vocals and guitars have a “Queen” overtone especially in this song….there’s really a lot of great moments everywhere in every song and something for everyone to enjoy.

Myglobalmind: What do you want fans to get from after they listen to your new record “Victory” Rob?

Rob: I want them to enjoy it for the most part and to know that every song was well written with a first class production. To appreciate it in 20 years. i did it all for the fans.

Myglobalmind: If you weren’t a singer and hadn’t pursued your music career, anything else that you would of chased apart from music?

Rob: It’s hard to tell…. music got me at an early age.

Myglobalmind: Who are your lead singer idols? Anybody you still idolize today in particular?

Rob: I’ve always loved Steve Perry, Brad Delp, Lou Gramm, Geoff Tate, Dennis Deyoung, Jimi Jamison….etc.

Myglobalmind: Any chance you come down south here in the USA for some gigs?

Rob: I would love to come down to the USA! there’s always a chance but nothing confirmed as of yet but I’ll keep you posted.

Myglobalmind: Any advice for young singers aspiring to be great like yourself?

Rob: You’re too kind Denys, thanks again! My advice would be is to listen to the classic singers. the ones that started it all….. let it get inside of you. Most importantly, be yourself.

Myglobalmind: I know you produce a lot but what do you do when you have some down time? big hockey fan?

Rob: I use to be a hockey fan but the leafs are depressing, lol!! I spend time with my wife, family and friends. I’m a simple guy and i appreciate the people that love and support me.

Myglobalmind: Well Rob it’s been a pleasure to pick your brain, thanks again for a great record and wish you tons of success you certainly deserve it your way….

Rob: The pleasure’s all mine Denys! thank you so much.

Please visit: http://www.robmoratti.net/ and http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1000646760

Webzine Review for Rob Moratti – Victory


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