Released By : Demon’s Run Amock
Genre : Deathcore
Links :
01. Doomed to Wander
02. Sinner’s Fate
03. Tempted (By an Angel)
04. Caged
05. The Damage Done
06. Act of Reason
07. Pains of Grey
08. Seven – VII – 7
Raw…Real…True…Uncompromising….INCARNATE are not a band to be taken lightly. At the base of their sound you will find a typical deathcore style, but unlike most bands in the genre that tidy everything up with commercial production values and catchy songs for the younger generation, these guys take a leaf out of the old-school with a level of bash-your-face-in which is closer to traditional death metal than anything current and fresh.
Sure, deathcore fans will be the main audience here, but there is also some crossover appeal, especially with the disturbing guitar sound and the rotten bass. The vocals are mature and thick, the drums are fast and aggressive and the production is raw but good. Songs like DOOMED TO WANDER, CAGED and ACT OF REASON all deserve some attention and definitely show a band ready for the next step. A couple of the other tunes on the album suffer a little from a bit too much sameness, but overall this is a well written bunch of tunes.
I also enjoyed the slight elements of thrash metal that peer through the songs on occasions, bringing with them some much needed speed and breaking through the slower death metal verses. There’s much here to like for fans of deathcore music to be sure, but INCARNATE is still a worthy look-in for fans of more standard death metal and even open-minded thrash fans. Those that are used to the commercial layer of polish that usually accompanies modern metal bands these days may be in for a bit of shock though as HANDS OF GUILT EYES OF GREED has a real underground old-school feel to it all the way from the cover artwork, the musical approach and especially the refreshingly earnest production which I think will be the main appeal for real metal fans across the globe.
Written By ZeeZee
Rating : 7/10