Lanfear – This Harmonic Consonance Review

If you have not heard of these guys before I suggest you check out their earlier albums as they feature a lesson in melody and power a balance; a...

Released by: Pure Legend Records

Release Date: February 24th, 2012

Genre: Power Progressive Metal



Line Up:

– Kai Schindelar / Bass

– Jürgen “General” Schrank / Drums

– Markus “Ulle” Ullrich / Guitars

– Richard “Richy” Seibel / Keyboards

– Nuno Miguel de Barros Fernandes / Vocals



1. Giorno del Giudizio

2. Colours of Chaos

3. By-Product Nation

4. The Reverand

5. Idiopathic Discreation

6. Camera Silens

7. I, Robot Sapiens

8. Spectrophobia

9. Word Not Spoken

10. Disharmonic Consonance


The German Power Progressive Metallers Lanfear are back with a smashing powerful and intricate new metal album titled “The Harmonic Consonance”. If you’re not familiar with Lanfear and their sound, well you’re in for a real treat as these guys have  a well structured power metal/melodic metal niche all tied in with progressive metal elements to create an extremely cool melancholy sound. I discovered these guys back in 2003 with their then third record ‘The Art Effect” and went back and checked their earlier catalog to find even more stronger material.

Although their last album didn’t hit me as hard as their previous records, the guys this time around have manage to get back on track while still holding on to their similar sound of earlier works. Despite what some may consider from reading this review the word power metal gets  a bad name often with the silliness that sometimes is involved in the songs and the leery similarities in song structures, Lanfear provides the listener with enough progressive and subdued breaks in their music to differentiate their music and not bore the listener. With each careful detail these Germans exhibit very tight musicianship with a wonder wall of heavy chorus and melodies to draw attention.

Check out the hard hitting song “The Reverend” which forced me to compare the chorus of the band with works from Queensryche’s classic “Rage of Order” yeah high words but that’s what it sounds like to my ears, a super enticing melodic chorus and the  tempo on this song builds with caution and precision. Another killer tune comes via the epic “Idiopathic Discreation” a beautiful hauntingly chorus once more high rises with the high soaring vocals of their singer Nuno breaking new weaves with ear crushing groove. This particular tune brings memories of old school Balance of Power material, good stuff.

More interesting music comes flooding towards you in the intriguing digital age tune “I, Robo Sapiens” a straight shooter melodic metal song with a tight guitar solo lead and more soaring choruses, a note the robot sampling tune voice that is featured on this track gives the song a different prominence. The guitar playing is keen and glorious as expected from these guys, their main man Markus Ullrich keeps a steady pace with enough diversity and structure in the melodies of each song to keep you entertained throughout.

If you have not heard of these guys before I suggest you check out their earlier albums as they feature a lesson in melody and power balance; a formula only a few bands can carefully construct. In regards to this new album you”ll find some interesting tweaks to the sound but the melody is still Lanfear, and perhaps not as heavy as their older material it still begs to be heard a few times when it comes to the lyrical concept and sound.


Written by Denys

Ratings    Denys    8/10


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