Released By : Self Released
Genre : Space Rock, Stoner Rock
Link :
01. Creature Of No Light (Exodus Pt. 1)
02. Sun vs Moon (Total Eclipse)
03. Diggin’ Down (The Hole Pt. 1…From Deep Below)
04. I Am Fire
05. We Used To Live In Light (Exodus Pt. 2)
06. Lost (Return Into The Void)
07. Night Over Qo Nos (Masremmey)
08. Startrooper
09.Walls Of Plasma
10. Someone Has Turned The Knob To Switch On The Light
11. Louder Than Light
12. The New Black (The Hole Pt. 2…From Above)
13. Lights Out (The Hole Pt. 3…Going Down)
There’s not many bands around these days that can incorporate many different styles whilst still being pretty simple to describe. BLACK SPACE RIDERS are one of those bands, but I mean that in the nicest way possible. I’m sure the band would have no problem being described as either Space Rock or Stoner Rock, which are both genres that they fit into perfectly.
Throughout their new album LIGHT IS THE NEW BLACK however, the band touch on some psychedelic rock, some progressive rock, a little bit of groove metal, some alternative rock and a few little other avenues too, all while staying under the Stoner/Space rock banner perfectly. Lush soundscapes, freaky lyrics, the odd midi-sounding stereo effects and the drone-based guitar all add up to something that is so perfect to sit down and mellow with, that it should have been released as a collectors edition with a joint and a strip of acid included.
LIGHT IS THE NEW BLACK is split into four sections, to replicate a four-sided double L.P record, and while I couldn’t really feel any particular differences in each section it’s an interesting addition that is worth looking into a little deeper. During the course of the album I heard references to the typical space rock fare like HAWKWIND, but I also found a strong link to CLUTCH, some KYUSS and even a few sections that had a bit of a less electronic Rob Zombie feel to them. An interesting combo for sure, and as you would hop it makes for a very interesting album. Keep in mind though, this isn’t an album to play for your friends at a party nor is is suitable for cruising down the highway, hell it’s not even well suited as background music while your doing something else, LIGHT IS THE NEW BLACK demands your full attention and should listened to accordingly. Grab a copy of the album, a set of good headphones and your favorite mellower and spend some time cruising across the universe with the BLACK SPACE RIDERS.
Written By ZeeZee