Interviewed by Denys (Site Founder/Senior Staff Writer) Myglobalmind Webzine
Myglobalmind: Hi Tomas welcome to Myglobalmind and thanks in advance for taking the time to answer some questions for us!!!
Tomas: Hi and thanks you for having us!!!
Myglobalmind: How are you and how are things going with Bloodbound and their new release “IN THE NAME OF METAL!”?
Tomas: Things are going great. The album reached #43 in the official album charts in Sweden which is our highest rank so far. It feels like the fans really like the album and the reviews have been great. We actually expected some more bad reviews because the album is so traditional and straight forward (not a good combination for reviewers…)
Myglobalmind: Is hard to believe is already Bloodbound’s 5th studio effort since 2004 no? How time flies how has the band come along since the early beginnings?
Tomas: Yes, time flies. When Fredrik and I started the band back in 2004 we wanted to work as professionally and disciplined as possible, we have our goals and we set up new ones all the time. In the beginning it was difficult because the collaboration within the band was not working properly, but when Patrik and Anders joined the band we found a stable line-up and a good chemistry.
Myglobalmind: Tell me a little about the new record “In The Name of Metal”. What was the thinking behind the record and the style?
Tomas: We wanted to make an album that stands out a bit more than our previous ones have. Add a few surprises and we have also pushed our singer Patrik more on this album. It’s his best performance so far I think. We wanted to make some “over-the-top” tracks combined with more traditional bloodbound songs to make it more interesting.
Myglobalmind: You guys wasted no time in releasing the new record from your last one “Unholy Cross”, how did the recording process go this time around? It seems like there are more battle hymns like tunes on “In The Name of Metal”?
Tomas: Yes, it’s kind of an extension of the first half of “Unholy Cross”. We were going for more epic songs. The writing process for “Unholy Cross” was working perfectly, so we were kind of in a flow when we wrote “In The Name Of Metal”. We knew we had a good concept and a great new producer in Jonas Kjellgren who could nail the production. There were no obstacles.
Myglobalmind: Is this the strongest record to date by Bloodbound?
Tomas: Yes, I think so, even though we have done some great albums and songs in the past. This is the overall best one I think. The songwriting, performance and production all came together on this one.
Myglobalmind: Like I mentioned earlier there are a ton of catchy tunes on the new album, do you have any personal favorites? I was really digging Metalheads Unite, it may sound cheesy to some but I thought it played to one of the strengths of the album in its glorious metal hymns.
Tomas: That is actually one of my favorites too. It is cheesy and over-the-top but at the same time a great song. You have to be open minded to like it, I think. People who take themselves too seriously might not be able to see past all the cheese;-)
Myglobalmind: Tell me about the artwork which has the band’s mascot Nosferatu jamming with a stereo in all its metal attire?
Tomas: We wanted a cover that was in your face and reflected the attitude of the title track “In The Name Of Metal”. Mark Wilkinson (Judas Priest, Iron Maiden etc.) did the cover after we had given him instructions and I think it turned out pretty cool, not your average cover. It has kind of a love it or hate it attitude about it. Just like some of the tracks on the album;-)
Myglobalmind: Tell me about the return of Patrik Johansson who’s now on the second album with the band, how his style fits the band coming over from his other band Dawn of Silence?
Tomas: He was a perfect match from the start. Patrik is very laid back and a great guy to work with. He is a team player and doesn’t have a big ego, he puts the band and the songs first. We really feel like we have found the right singer for the band now. Also he is more open to different ideas and has a wide range and he is never afraid to try new things.
Myglobalmind: Bloodbound has had its share of vocalist changes do you feel this time around you guys have found your permanent singer?
Tomas: Yes, definitely!
Myglobalmind: Hey Tomas what does the band have upcoming in terms of touring dates in support of the new record?
Tomas: We already have some festivals booked for the summer and we are planning on a tour at the end of March 2013. It will be some gigs in Germany and possibly a few other countries in Europe. At the moment we are talking to a major booking agency and we hope it will turn out good so we can hit the road.
Myglobalmind: Tell the readers a little about yourself and before you started Bloodbound what kind of bands we’re you in and where did you first get your start in the music biz?
Tomas: I started playing guitar when I was 14, trying to play Iron Maiden and Metallica songs. I eventually got better and joined some local bands playing hard rock and metal. I actually played in a few bands with Fredrik in the early days. Then I got into shredding and guitar hero stuff for a while, Joe Satriani and Yngwie Malmsteen etc. But I always wanted to write my own songs, that’s how Fredrik and I got together and formed Bloodbound.
Myglobalmind: Are you a full time musician now or do you have another profession on the side? I ask since many musicians due to the current state of the music business have to have other jobs to support their families.
Tomas: Yeah, the music business is tough, I have a job as a computer consultant which works great as it also gives me time to make music. I’m my own boss.
Myglobalmind: What is your guitar axe of choice model maker when performing on stage live?
Tomas: I really like ESP guitars, they feel great and they look good. I’ve tried most brands but at the time I like them the best. The SV and RS models are very cool and they sit perfect.
Myglobalmind: If you we’re stuck on an island and you had to have one Rock or Metal album with you, which would it be?
Tomas: Probably “Back In Black” or “The Number Of The Beast”.
Myglobalmind: What’s the craziest gig you have ever played?
Tomas: Masters Of Rock in the Czech Republic is always a blast. Great crowd and devoted fans and the best beer in the world!
Mygobalmind: Hey Tomas thanks for taking a few minutes to talk to us, the last words are yours….
Tomas: Don’t forget to visit our website for the latest info.
Stay true, stay heavy, In the Name of Metal \m/
Webzine Review for Bloodbound – In The Name of Metal