Divided Multitude – Feed on Your Misery Review

Divided Multitude tried to step out of the mold: on their 4th studio album ‘Feed Your Misery’ they combine the rather complex style of progressive metal with some very...

Divided Multitude - Feed on Your Misery Review cover

Released by: Nighmare/Fireball Records

Release Date: apr.16th (US) / apr.19th (Europe)

Genre: Progressive power metal



Sindre Antonsen (vocals, guitar),

Christer Harøy (guitar),

Rayner Harøy (bass),

Olav Skei (drums),

Eskild Kløften (keyboards)




2.Feed On Your Misery

3.What I See


5.The World Is Watching

6.Crimson Sunset

7.2 4 7

8.Vicious By Heart


10. Transparent



This Norwegian band plays progressive (power) metal and when you chose this kind of musical style the name Dream Theater obvious comes to mind. The New Yorkers can be seen as the grandfathers of this style, together with Queensryche. Since the late 80’s and early 90’s both bands have developed the genre and made it popular.

A lot of groups tried (and still try) to get in the footsteps. Some succeeded, others stranded. Well you even might say that both DT and (certainly) Queensryche, have stranded as well after squeezing out almost every last drop of creativity out of this genre. So it’s rather tricky to play a kind of music that has been played for decades (and that’s not only in this genre, but in all kind of music !) unless you add something new, something fresh. Divided Multitude tried to step out of the mold: on their 4th studio album ‘Feed Your Misery’ they combine the rather complex style of progressive metal with some very nice melodic rock & AOR-like harmony vocals.

But first let’s do the facts. The band was formed in 1995 and after the release of two demo’s they signed with Sensory records for the release of their debut-album ‘Inner Self’ (1999). A tour in their home country and in Denmark followed. In 2002 they recorded the 2nd album ‘Falling To Pieces’ and this led the band into a festival tour, highlighted with a performance at the Prog Power Festival Europe. After a four years hiatus, in which several members concentrated on other projects, the five guys returned to the studio late 2008. Mastered by the skillful Jacob Hansen ‘Guardian Angel’ was quite well received and the band again went on tour in Europe. Finally in 2011 writing started for the next album and this one, entitled ‘Feed On Your Misery’, will now be released in april 2013 and features eleven, rather ‘standard’ mid-tempo progmetal tracks.

‘Esperanto’ starts the album with a big surprise: flamenco music ! But with the title track we’re on course with heavy riffs and the typical breaks and time changes for which this music is known for. But as I already indicated there are some pleasant melodic rock vocals as well giving the album a more accessible touch. Singer Sindre Antonsen reminds me of DC Cooper (Royal Hunt), he’s capable but a bit limited in his range.

However, the songs pass by and by and after a while I noticed that my attention had slowly drifted away. And that’s a bit of a problem with this album: the tunes are too exchangeable. Another thing that bothers me is the sound, it’s quite full with all the riffing and harmony vocals. There is hardly room to breath and that’s a bit of a shame as well. Gladly we’ve got the unctuous keyboards by Eskild Kløften. Sometimes playing in the style of Jordan Rudess, but often giving a nice, vintage ‘rolling’ touch to the songs (Uriah Heep).

In the end I won’t say that they’re ‘Feeding Us Misery’. I’m sure that this music can be appreciated by a lot of listeners but for me personally Divided Multitude didn’t quite succeeded in convincing me with this one.


Written by Ruud

Ratings    Ruud    8/10


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