November 26, 2018
Genre: B(l)ooze Fuelled Rock
Label: King Outlaw
Release Date: Out Now
Tyla J.Pallas – Vocals/Guitar,
Gary Pennick – Guitar,
Matty James Cassidy – Bass,
Simon Hanson – Drums,
Tracklisting :-
1) 111
2) Black Confetti
3) Bloodline
4) Bottle of Red
5) Everything To Me
6) Chicago Typewriter
7) I Don’t Love Anyone
8) In Vino Veritas
9) Monster
10) Movie Star
As out of control as rock n’ roll was in the late 80’s, few artists could top the levels of debauchery and excess achieved by Dogs D’Amour. Led by singer, guitarist, songwriter and poet, Tyla J. Pallas, the groups albums became cult favourites in UK, Europe and Japan. The Dogs have been regarded as one of the best underground rock bands of their time. With bluesy, heartfelt, sing-along anthems and ramshackle style they were the UK’s answer to Motley Crue. The difference being that Tyla and his merry men are still banging out the tunes. And after 35 years in the music business, it is clear that he’s still enjoying making rock music and the poetic licence in his lyrics.
In 2018, Tyla continues that journey with more bluesy tunes that are enough to stir even the hardest of stoics. The band have found a perfect way to enjoy the music they play, blending the anthemic classic rock tunes with saxophone and organ to add that extra edge to their performance. No album by Tyla could be complete without an ode to alcohol or two, on tunes like Bottle Of Red and In Vino Veritas (the title track). Or indeed, without a dedication to the missus, on Everything To Me and I Don’t Love Anyone.
There are some good old classic rock stompers with 111, Bloodline, Chicago Typewriter and Monster. 111, in particular, sets us off with a delicious bluesy riff, my personal favourite. The album doesn’t really gather a ferocious pace but is cleverly crafted and on Black Confetti, the forthcoming single, the band show their versatility to showcase the saxophone talents which add depth to the sound. Bloodline is a straight ahead rock tune, short, sharp and punchy, with a punk influenced bass line.
This album is chock full of ditties that it’s impossible not to like if you’ve followed The Dogs career. However, if you know nothing about them then this would be an album that crosses between The Black Crowes and The Wildhearts, but with the added touches of Tyla’s, Charles Bukowski-styled lyrics. There are sure to be some of the classic Dogs tunes being played whilst on tour from their extensive back catalogue and it is clear that these standards will fit in nicely alongside. Tyla is an artist and the illustrations for the album artwork are done in his own inimitable style. I thoroughly enjoyed this album and it gave me a jolt to remember reading about the band in Raw Magazine all those years ago.
Score: 8 out of 10
Reviewed by: Stefan Putwain