A New Revenge – ‘Enemies and Lovers’ – Review

A New Revenge’s Enemies and Lovers is a pretty killer collection of songs and a much different project that SoF. If you like your Melodic Hard Rock a little...

Released by: Golden Robot Records

Release Date: Out now

Genre:  Hard Rock

Links:  http://www.anewrevenge.com/


Tim “Ripper” Owens: Vocals

Keri Kelli: Guitars

Rudy Sarzo: Bass

James Kottak: Drums


1. The Distance Between

2. The Way

3. Never Let You Go

4. Glorious

5. The Eyes

6. Fallen

7. Only the Pretty Ones

8. Enemies & Lovers

9. Here’s To Us

10. Scars

Tim “Ripper” Owens is not afraid to put his name out there. Easily one of the more prolific singers in the Metal world, he has been attached to full time bands (Judas Priest, Yngwie Malmasteen, and Iced Earth) as well as a number of seemingly one off projects (Beyond Fear, The Three Tremors and Spirits of Fire) as well as a solo album in 2009 and a more “permanent” band of his own with Charred Walls of the Damned. He has a very dinstinct vocal style with the ability to adapt to most any subgenre in the Metal world, though he does tend to veer towards a harder edged sound. His latest release is his second supergroup pairing of 2019 called A New Revenge. This time he finds himself teamed up with Keri Kelli (Slash’s Snakepit, Alice Cooper, and Vince Neil,) Rudy Sarzo (a pedigree that is rich and deep and if you don’t know him you need to rectify that,) and James Kottak (Kingdom Come, Scorpions, and Warrant.) Clearly A New Revenge is packed with some stellar talent- so how does the album sound?

Enemies and Lovers is Owens leaning more towards the classic 80’s Melodic Hard Rock sound mixed with a Metal edge that even has elements of a more radio friendly newer Hard Rock style. Not to say there aren’t some heavier moments with tracks like “Here’s To Us” and “The Distance Between,” that contains a heaviness along the same lines as Skid Row- there are still melodic elements, but delivered in a metallic framework. Songs like “Only the Pretty Ones,” “The Way,” and “The Eyes” still hit hard but in a much more melodic style which goes to show Owens has chameleon abilities with his voice. Of course sonically the music is delivered by some true heavy hitters in the business whose names alone would normally assure those in the know that the album is going to be pretty good.

It is interesting to hear “Ripper” venture into territory a little outside the norm for him while at the same time staying true to his skillset. I will admit I liked the Spirits of Fire album a little bit more than this one this year, but A New Revenge’s Enemies and Lovers is a pretty killer collection of songs and a much different project than SoF. If you like your Melodic Hard Rock a little harder than some or have avoided anything with Tim’s name attached because you were afraid it might be too hard, this is the album for you. Kelli, Sarzo, and Kottak keep the music firmly planted in a more accessible sound, and the songs are very memorable.

Ratings: 8/10

Written by: Chris Martin

My Global Mind – Senior Staff Writer

Chris Martin is a US based writer for My Global Mind, with an interest in hard rock and heavy metal in all its forms. A heavy contributor to the site, his work largely covers album and gig reviews.

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