Black Water Sisters – Know Your Place And Be Happy With It Review

A Hidden Gem from The Mental Helicopters: A Must-Listen...

Industrial Punk Metal

Independent Release

Released – April 5th 2024



Line Up:








1.    I Am Fully Rabid

2.    Egosyntonic

3.    And Away With The Key

4.    Steamroller


Why am I reviewing an EP that was released back in April? Well, I happened to be scrolling through one of those social media sites and I read a post associated with Seducer, who were a superb rockin’ metal trio from Surrey. They morphed into another excellent and fun mob called The Mental Helicopters, who I used to see in the pubs and clubs of Southwest London and Surrey. The singer/guitarist Chris Hunt had a knack of carving out some of the most hummable ditties that I have sung since I first saw them. He pointed me in the direction of the album that I had on cassette, and I’ve not stopped playing since.

Chris then contacted me and handed me this gem of an EP. It’s very different but catchy as hell. We get a full-on industrial wrecking ball on opener “I Am Fully Rabid” – think Killing Joke and Ministry and you’ll get the picture along with a shitload of strobes. “Egosyntonic” is rockier and more akin to what Hunt used to play back in the day, as is “And Away With The Key,” which you just can’t help moving to despite its darkness. “Steamroller” could have come off any of Seducer’s previous releases and shows that Hunt, or Snagsby as he is known here, has lost none of his sense of humor.

The production is a bit ropey, but that won’t stop you enjoying this. It’s different but thoroughly worth checking out, as is the Seducer back catalog.


Written by: Smudge

Ratings: 8/10


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