Chaos Unleashed – I Am Chaos Review

Chaos Unleashed: A Cacophony of Brutal Thrash...


Independent Release


Line Up:

Marc Van Den Bos – Vocals/Guitar

Rob Bonte – Bass/Backing Vocals

Sander Spoor – Drums



Heaven Shall Burn

I Am Chaos

The New Dominion

M.A.D (Mutually Assured Destruction)

Ripped Apart

Death From Above

Marching Off To War

…And Hell Followed

American Gods

The Wolfpack



Gird your loins for some old school hardcore/thrash metal from the Netherlands featuring former members of Sad Iron, Jackal, Dominion, Yaotzin and Fill Bloom. No, me neither gut I will be checking those other bands out on the strength of this red-hot release.

They don’t hang about on opener ‘Heaven Shall Burn’ which just comes at you like a runaway bull being urged on by the sergeant major vocals of Marc van den Bos then the title track eases in over a classic thrash intro before they tear arse into a chaotic storm of vicious riffage, rhythm and a voice you dare not ignore. Another razor-sharp riff brings ‘New Dominion’ and some brutal drumming from Sander Spoor then ‘M.A.D’ eases back and brings bassman Rob Bonte’s bottom end to the fore on the intro but they’re just softening you up for another thrashtastic battering. Enjoy the pain! ‘Ripped Apart’ ain’t gonna be a ballad! We get a chugging head bangable beast with more of those vicious vocals then ‘Death From Above’ brings another righteous load of Venomous trashing metal. Marching Off To War’ starts with a military snare and we go headlong into battle on a NWOBHM type riff which continues on ‘American Gods’ only with added brutality. Final cut ‘The Wolfpack’ starts with running hooves and a wolf howl then we’re off on probably the fastest track on the album.

I needed a lie down in a dark room after this. It’s rough and raw big and brutal and played by a trio! This brought to mind the earlier works of Kreator, Sodom and Rob Dukes era Exodus. There’s a real ‘don’t give a fuck’ attitude especially regards the tempos and the vocals. These boys play what they play and don’t a flying fuck if you like it or not. Angry, aggressive, rough as a badger’s arse thrash metal. Love it!


Written by: Smudge

Ratings: 8/10

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