Sonic Universe, featuring Corey Glover (Living Colour) and Mike Orlando (Adrenaline Mob), have shared the video for “Higher.” Watch it here.
The song appears on the band’s upcoming debut album It Is What It Is, out May 10 via earMUSIC. Pre-order it here.
“Higher” follows the statement of purpose that was first single “I Am.” It’s a call for strength and resistance in the face of opposition. “Sometimes it’s all around / Can’t get yourself up off the ground / Don’t let the world bring you down.”
There’s no mistaking the power of Glover’s voice, Orlando’s ascending riffs, and the rhythm section of bassist Booker King and drummer Taykwuan Jackson to take fans “Higher” as anticipation builds for the album’s release.
The album was recorded at Orlando’s Sonic Stomp Studios in New York City and the new video was once again directed by Tom Flynn (Lamb of God, Buckcherry). Capturing Corey in all his “colourful” glory, Sonic Universe muscles through the powerful track, showing four musicians at their peak and a chemistry to conjure new musical worlds from the galaxies of hard rock, funk, punk, thrash, and metal.
“I Am”
“It Is What It Is”
“Turn A Blind Eye”
“My Desire”
“Whisper To A Scream”
“Come What May”
“I Want It All”
“Beautiful Disunity”