Released by Avenue of Allies Records – 2010
Review Added February 13, 2010
Release Date – February 26th 2010
Running Time: 50:22
Musical Style: Traditional Hard Rock
1. Taste Of Rock & Roll**
2. The Storm Has Just Begun**
3. What’s It Gotta Do With You And Me**
4. Winter
5. When You’re Gone
6. Diamonds In The Wind**
7. Invitation
8. Stop Messin’ Around
9. Rock & Roll Dog**
10. When You Gonna Love Me
Hot Tracks**
Erol Sora: Vocals and Guitars
Jason Solyom: Drums
Brendan Mooney: Bass
Gregory Macdonald: Keyboards
Guitar virtuosos are few and far in between, the typical trend amongst them is usually their roles as mere instrumentalists, many which never get a chance to play with an actual band and have their intake into a full band’s collective and creative process. Erol Sora founder and guitarist for the band Sora, took matters into his own band and created the band and released the self title debut “Demented Hour” in 2006 which received rave reviews worldwide. Erol is not only a talented guitarist but he laid down the vocal duties then and once more on the soon to be released sophomore record titled “Desire and Truth”. He wanted to capture the spirit and sound of some of the late great bands from the late 70’s and early 80’s such as MSG, Whitesnake, and Rainbow to name a few. Being labeled as one of the best new artists soon after the debut got released, Sora looks to once more continue strong success relying more on a heavier sounding and more guitar oriented record.
The plowing opener of “Taste of Rock & Roll” chops down quite nicely, the build up and riff here sounds a little like some classic Michael Schenker licks, and Erol’s voice is pretty solid here and gets the job done. The fast paced tempo in “The Storm Has Begun” meshes in well, with a memorable chorus and astonishing guitar solo right around the bend, the guitars here are special to note, im talking classic, bringing flashes of recent material from Impellitteri, but melodic as hell. The build up bridge in “Winter” make the track stand out with a more straight up hard rock feel and once again a classic 80’s hard rock vibe at its foundation. Of course your typical rocker ballad is not missing on this outstanding record in the name of “When Your Gone”, the heartfelt lyrics here and Sora’s solid range adds a nice touch here to tone down the vibe and adding yet another memorable solo just for kicks. Any fans of Michael Schenker would be missing out if they don’t check listen to “Diamonds in the Wind”, easily one of the best tracks on the record, it could of been mistaken for a missing track of the hall of fame classic MSG record “One Night in Budokan”, very refreshing to hear something this good in my ears this day in age.
As fast as reinventing the wheel, don’t bank on it, but early impressions from here is that Mr. Sora shouldn’t have any problems expanding on his reputation as an outstanding axe man, because that part of the story really shines here. The guitar work is pure bliss and wonderful, his solid vocals compliment the songs pretty well and the writing is note worthy also. Just a good classic hard rock record managing to sound updated but with exceptional shred work and memorable riffs. Solid from top to bottom, big thanks to Avenue of Allies Music for an early copy of this one, any fans of solid hard rock and skilled guitar playing should check this one out, so far one of the best guitar driven records that we have the pleasure to cover. Rock on and support the band!!!.
Written by Denys
Ratings Denys 8/10