Breed 77 – The Evil Inside Review

The London based alt. metal band, Breed 77 are back with their fourth release “The Evil Inside”, and for fans of the band, I am glad to say that...

breed 77_the evil inside cover

Released by: Frostbyte Media

Release Date: March 4, 2013

Genre: Alternative Metal, Hard Rock




Paul Isola: Vocals

Danny Felice: Lead Guitar

Pedro Caparros: Rhythm Guitar

Stuart Cavilla: Bass

Andre Joyzi: Drums




1 Drown

2 Broken Pieces

3 Fear

4 Looking for Myself

5 Bring on the Pain

6 Low

7 The Evil Inside

8 Higher

9 2 Face

10 Burn City Burn

11 Motionless


Bonus Tracks:


12 Poison (Alice Cooper Cover)

13 The Fallen

14 Ceigo (Live)

15 The Battle of Hatin (Live)


The London based alt. metal band, Breed 77 are back with their fourth release “The Evil Inside”, and for fans of the band, I am glad to say that this record is a blast. Initially, as listening to “The Evil Inside”, one cannot help but compare the band to the likes of Drowning Pool, SOiL, but as you continue to listen, you see that Breed 77, although sharing some similarities with these bands, their record does in fact stand out on its own merits. Focusing on melody, while keeping the songs heavy, or keeping things “melodic and metallic” helped the band stand out more from their contemporaries and be able stamp their record with their own sound.

A big part of what gives the band their distinctive sound is their singer, Paul Isola, who is a quality vocalist with a wide vocal range. He sings two voices throughout the record; one is rough and gritty, while the other is more smooth and clean. He uses both sounds on most of the eleven songs, the latter for delivering gentle melodies and the former for the heavy and more aggressive verses, the two contrast very well, particularly in the opening track, “Drown” where Isola goes back and forth between the two worlds the most.

At first glance, Breed 77 may come off as just another alt. metal band, but they are so much more. There is a lot of diversity in the tracks that make up the record, and the band really covers a lot of ground in the forty-odd minutes. Some songs feel they lean more towards hard rock, while the majority are definitely metal tunes, throw in a few tender jams and some solid, catchy melodies, even a few flamenco moments here and there, and you have a quality record that really stands out from the masses of bands that make up the alt. metal scene.

Also, if you get the iTunes edition, you get four bonus tracks. Two studio outtakes, and a couple of live tunes, the highlight of which being a cover of the Alice Cooper classic, “Poison”. The cover is quite a bit heavier than the original, and there aren’t any backup singers to be found. This is very much an interpretation, rather than a straight cover, as Breed 77 makes the tune sound like one of their own. The grittier side of Paul Isola’s voice also sounds not the same, but similar enough to Alice’s that he doesn’t sound off, or out of place singing the lyrics. It was an excellent choice to cover this tune, and they really pull it off. All things considered, although on the first listen, you may be tempted to label the band as “one of many”, it is the second-plus listens that you really notice how unique the band sounds, and realize how enjoyable the record really is. You can easily blast through it in one sitting, and enjoy every second of it.


Written by Connor

Ratings    Connor     8/10



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