Steve Perry recently took to Instagram to announce an exciting collaboration with The Effect, an ensemble featuring Trevor Lukather, Nic Collins (son of Phil Collins), Steve Maggiora, and Emmett Sans. Together, they’ve embarked on a captivating reinterpretation of “It Could Have Been You,” a timeless gem from Perry’s acclaimed Raised on Radio album.
In his announcement, Perry effusively praised Trevor Lukather’s exceptional musical prowess, reflecting on their enduring bond. Lukather’s heartfelt admiration for the song ignited Perry’s fervent endorsement for a revitalized rendition. Perry, in a moment of artistic reconnection, marveled at the resurgence of a vocal fervor reminiscent of his formative years, lauding the song as a “diamond in the rough.”
Anticipation mounts as the world eagerly awaits the release of this revitalized masterpiece on May 7th, poised to captivate audiences on all major streaming platforms.