Released By : Self Released
Genre: Crossover Metalcore
Carlos Araujo – Bass
Trav Brennan – Drums
Damien Rankin – Drums
Dave McCarthy – Guitar
Joe Giampa – Guitar
Andrew McCarthy – Vocals
Evan McLellan – Vocals
1. Intro
2. Backyard Burial
3. Witness
4. Ruiner
5. Dead Weight
6. Swarm Of The Wolves
7. Life’s Lowest Frame
8. Blitzkrieg
9. Vultures
10. Killing Spree
Australia is fast becoming one of the go-to countries for world class Metalcore, and over the last year or two have delivered enough good bands to dispel the myth of the genre being near its end. One of the latest bands to join this movement is Melbourne’s AT WAR WITH GODS, and I recently had the pleasure of spending some quality time with their new debut album NIHILISM.
One thing the band have going for them that helps them stand out from the crowd is that they seem to lean much more toward the Hardcore side of things than a lot of other bands in the genre, and whereas a lot of bands sound like they have infused their metal music with some hardcore, NIHILISM feels much more like a true Hardcore album with some Metal influences. The band also features two lead vocalists in Makka And Ev, who bounce off each other to great effect and both have a distinctive voice that is eight parts Death Metal and two parts Cyco Miko. The dual guitar onslaught is in your face and the backbone drums and bass work together in great synergy.
Some of the highlight moments for me were DEAD WEIGHT, which actually begins straight into a beatdown before turning up the pace for a double kick ball-tearer. VULTURES was another highlight for me, with some very powerful gang choruses and a well written lyric that can stand among some of the best the genre has to offer. I also enjoyed BACKYARD BURIAL and LIFES LOWEST FRAME a lot.
I know there are a lot of naysayers when it comes to the Metalcore genre in general, but even if you are one of those negative types, at least curb your resistance long enough to check these guys out, especially if you are a fan of earlier Hardcore bands like CRO-MAGS and MADBALL, and latter day act HATEBREED.
Written By ZeeZee
Rating: 8/10