Released By: Self Released
Genre: Blackened Death Metal
Links :
Luki H. – All
1. About Suicide
2. Decay Of Life
3. Painful Hate
4. Fog Of Damnation
5. Mystical Shine
6. Acoustic interlude
7. Funeral of Sins
8. Dark Rain
9. When The Moon Eats The Sun
10. Killer’s Song
11. Zombie Massacre
12. Outro
DEPRECATION is a one-man project band centered around a guy that calls himself Luki, who is probably better known for being a member of Black Metal outfit Schwarzkristall.
Musically there is a bit of a throw it all at the wall and see what sticks feeling as there really is a bit of everything sewn throughout the songs. The base sound is definitely a combination of old-school death metal and black metal but little passages here and there ensure some surprises along the way.
As is usual with one-man projects, there are some very evident shortcomings. You can feel that there is no band chemistry here which does hurt a bit, but the main gripe is the programmed drums. Obviously with any one-man project there is going to be some elements that are weaker than others, but Luki really needed to gain the services of a real drummer to make these songs sound less artificial. The vocals of Luki are what stand as the true highlight as he offers up a guttural extreme death metal vocal that reminds me of BOLT THROWER and the like. Also a highlight was the feature of a couple of guest vocalists on the more black metal sounding tracks.
There is plenty of potential to be found on DEATH AND MISANTHROPY, but for the true goodness of Luki’s ideas to shine through he needs to get an actual band behind him, most importantly a real drummer rather than a drum machine. Luki has made mention of the emotive lyrics that go for each song, but there were no lyrics in the promo which has made it really hard for me to judge this side of things. There are some parts that I can decipher with my own ears, and these parts do hint at some lyrical greatness, but you would really need a lyric sheet to follow along with some of the heavier aspects of the album.
At the end of the day, Luki IS calling this a demo release, and has offered it up for free download via his myspace page, so hopefully that means he plans on getting these songs redone in a full band atmosphere at some stage down the track.
Written By ZeeZee
Rating: 6/10