Eden’s Curse – Trinity

Now we have the band's third release in "Trinity" and some welcoming new things pop in place here and one is undoubtedly the voice of James Labrie (Dream Theater)...

Released by: AFM Records

Release Date: Out Now!!!

Genre: Hard Rock/Heavy Metal

Links: http://www.edenscurse.com/

Line Up:







01. Trinitas Sanctus (intro)

02. Trinity

03. Saints Of Tomorrow

04. No Holy Man (feat. James LaBrie)

05. Guardian Angel

06. Can’t Fool The Devil

07. Rivers Of Destiny

08. Dare To Be Different

09. Children Of The Tide

10. Black Widow (feat. Andi Deris)

11. Jerusalem Sleeps

12. Rock ‘N’ Roll Children

Welcome back Eden’s Curse one of the most promising Hard Rock and Metal bands in the genre. When Eden’s first released their self title marvelous debut record back in 2007, it hit a mark with me after I first heard it. Why? Well these guys actually get it and by that I mean they are able to delicately mix a wonder wall of chemical balance between crunching metal and melodic Hard Rock elements. Their music contains as much power grooves as alluring hooks. The voice of Michael Eden is super scorching high and with a killer rhythm and bass section these guys have plenty to offer to metal freaks like myself.

Is not always great when you release an acclaim debut, the sophomore jinx sort of speak followed the band on the second record and while the music was still solid, it seemed to me like that record “The Second Coming” was static and bland, most of the songs followed the same formula and none really stood out for  me. Now we have the band’s third release in “Trinity” and some welcoming new things pop in place here and one is undoubtedly the voice of James Labrie (Dream Theater) vocalist as well as guesting Helloween singer Andi Deris on the track “Black Widow”. Labrie doesn’t just guest on one track, he lends backing vocals on the entire CD. I don’t care what the critics have already stated about Labrie, the fact remains the guys voice is very versatile and has throughout his career in the music industry. And to look no further just hear some of Labrie’s solo projects mending on the realms of melodic death metal. So to add him in the mix here could only boost the powerful voice of Eden even more.

The rest of the line up returns as usual and from beginning to opening you have a very consistent record. The intricate intro sounds like something out of a Queensryche concept album, weird and theatrical all in one. The ripping title track packs a heavy punch of melodic metal at it’s best. The band’s first single “No Holy Man” is more then just the animated cartoon video the band released, it surprisingly showcases a great duet from both Eden and Labrie, and when the chorus bridge hits the corner is pure heaven. Maybe little less keyboard action though, just feels out of place when the rest of the song plows with menacing groove.

The great shred work solo on the zealous power ballad “Guardian Angel” by Thorsten Koehne is great, the guy has always been a terrific guitar player and really handles his own again throughout this record.If you like your metal both melodic and with some Hard Rock hooks, you come to the right place because the killer tune “Rivers Of Destiny” is a shining example of the band’s indistinguishable trait.

For anyone interested in the title of the record, yes it deal with religion obviously, but it does in a way as not tackle any controversial issues I mean the songs deal with religion but in a very straight forward manner. Think Rob Rock’s solo efforts for instance even though he’s a religiou’s man and an amazing vocalist his music always is killer and doesn’t force down his beliefs down anybody’s throats. Let the music do the talking and that is exactly why Eden’s Cruse succeeds here with some exceptional songs from top to bottom, enhancing their brand even more with help from some already established vocalists and managing to expand and evolve on their original sound from their debut. Even though the writing is fair it does gain from steam from previous records, I still like to see the band expand on it’s lyrical base next time around. Not much to gripe about as you won’t find many complete records like “Trinity” all year. Awesome musicianship, great vocals and a stupendous job of being heavy and melodic as the same time. Yes it’s recommended as well as it should be. Approved with a Metal Seal mother-truckers!!!!!!!!!

Written by Denys

Ratings Denys   8/10

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